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2006-07-20—Punch lines....And Their Jokes, No. 149

Jewish humor

Punch lines

  Punch lines, V.4


Famous Jewish Punch lines

149. "They think they're
 the only ones here.",  July 20, 2006

As retold by Bruce Lowitt

Ten Americans have just arrived in Heaven and an angel is giving them the introductory tour.

First he escorts them to a door marked REFORM. He opens it and, as far as the eye can see, there are millions of Reform Jews in the ballroom - eating, drinking, talking, dancing and laughing. Many of them turn to the new arrivals, wave and shout greetings.

Next, then angel walks the newcomers a few hundred yards down a long hallway to a door with a sign that says CONSERVATIVE. Again he opens the door and there are thousands of people laughing, talking, drinking, eating and dancing. When they see the new arrivals they smile and wave.

Then the angel gathers the new arrivals and begins a trek that goes on for miles before ending at a door marked ORTHODOX.

""Okay, listen everyone," the angel says. I can open this door but just a crack. Each of of you can take a peek but there must be no talking. Not a peep."

As they were instructed, one by one they peek inside where hundreds of Orthodox Jews are laughing, talking, drinking, dancing and eating. Then the angel quietly shuts the door.

After the door is closed, one of the newcomers asks, "Why did we have to be so quiet?"

"Because they think they're the only ones here."