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2006-07-20—Punch lines....And Their Jokes, No. 146

Jewish humor

Punch lines

  Punch lines, V.4


Famous Jewish Punch lines

146."Now, if you'll excuse me, 
I have some phone calls to make.",  July 20, 2006

As retold by Bruce Lowitt

Four Jewish ladies are playing mah jongg.

"You know girls," the first one says, "I have known you all for a long time and there is something I must get off my chest.   I am a kleptomaniac. But don't worry. I have never stolen from you and I never will.  We have been friends for too long."

"Well," the second one says, "since we're having true confessions here, I must tell you something. I am a nymphomaniac. But I have never hit on your husbands for sex and I never will. We have been friends for too long."

"Umm," the third one says, "I, too, have a confession to make. I am a lesbian. But do not worry. I will never hit on any of you. We have been friends too long for me to ruin our friendship."

"I have a confession to make, too," the fourth one says. I am a Yenta. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some phone calls to make."