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2006-07-13—Punch lines....And Their Jokes, No. 101

Jewish humor

Punch lines

Punch lines, Volume 3


Famous Jewish Punch lines

103. "Yeah, he thinks I'm God",  July 13, 2006

As retold by Bruce Lowitt

The nice Jewish girl brings home her fiancé to meet her parents. At one point during dinner the mother tells her husband, "After, go find out about this man."

The father and young man repair to the living room while mother and daughter are in the kitchen."

"So," the father asks, "what do you do? What are your plans?"

"I am a Torah scholar."

"Admirable, but how will you provide for my daughter? How will you pay for a house for the two of you?"

"I will study and God will provide," the young man says.

"And how will you buy her the kind of clothing she desires, and where will you get the money to buy a car?"

"I will study and God will provide."

"And children? How will you support them?" the man asks.

"God will provide."

Later that night, the mother asks "So nu? How did it go?"

"The bad news is that he has no job and no plans."

"And there's good news?" the mother asks.

"Yeah. He thinks I'm God."