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   2001-02-23: House-Israel resolution

Capitol Building
The Jewish Citizen

House Resolution reaffirms historic
U.S. support for Israel, peace

San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, Feb. 23, 2001

Washington (special) -- By a margin of 410-1, with Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tx) the only dissenter, the House of Representatives approved a resolution that congratulated Ariel Sharon on his election as Israel's prime minister, reaffirmed the alliance between Israel and the United States, and called upon Palestinian Authority Chairman Yassir Arafat to use his influence to bring violence in the Middle East to an end.

The resolution had Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill), chairman of the House
International Relations Committee, and Reps. Tom Lantos (D-San Mateo,
CA), Ben Gilman (R-NY), Gary Ackerman (D-NY) and Eric Cantor (R-
Va) as principal co-authors. Tim Wulilger, president of the American-
Israel Public Affairs Committee, praised the resolution for underscoring
"the continuity of a relationship that transcends political parties and
individual personalities."

Paul said he objected to a clause in the resolution which "restates the
commitment of the United States to a secure peace for Israel." He said
"we must ask what other sorts of commitments are implied here. The
vagary of this resolution leaves open the possibility that those who
support it are endorsing unwise and constitutionally-suspect financial and
military commitments abroad."

The House Republican leadership credited Cantor with providing the
impetus for the resolution. "It is great to see a freshman congressman
take initiative so early in his career," said House Majority Leader Dick
Armey. "I'm very impressed with his quick start." 

Cantor issued a statement saying he was "proud to work together with my
colleagues from both parties to deliver this important statement of
support to Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East."

-- Donald H. Harrison