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   2006-08-12-Rusonik, Goodman, Sutton


Letters to Editor


Letters to the Editor

Agency for Jewish Education and
being politically independent 
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August 10, 2006

Editor, jewishsightseeing

Thank you very much for the very positive article in the SD Jewish Times.  I think it shows the AJE in a good light and I think it demonstrates to the community that we are trying hard to make a difference in our community through Jewish education.

It was a pleasure sitting with you sharing my passion for Jewish education.  I look forward to next August 1st.

See the attached email from past AJE president Zelda Goodman (who is a VERY special person and a good friend of this Agency and Jewish education in her own right!)

Thanks again, and take good care!

—Alan Rusonik, executive director, San Diego Agency for Jewish Education

 * *

(From Zelda Goodman to Alan Rusonik)

Just read the Jewish Times. Your picture was great and so was the article. My head swam with all of the things the AJE does.

Zelda Goodman, San Diego

Editor's Note: The interview with Alan Rusonik appeared first in the recent education issue of the San Diego Jewish Times, with which is affiliated. The interview was conducted on August 1.  The photo showed Rusonik studying his laptop computer in a pose similar to that of a sculpture of a rabbi bent over Talmud studies.
* *
August 10, 2006

Editor, jewishsightseeing

Fabulous. Welcome to the world of us Independents!  We stand united in our refusal to conform!
Marsha Sutton, Del Mar