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   2006-05-24-Mann-Mt. Soledad


Letters to Editor


Letter to the Editor

Keep the cross mounted along
with a plaque telling of violence 
performed in its name against others


May 24, 2006

Once again I plead to let the Soledad Cross stay in place but would urge that a large plaque should be installed to tell the history of the symbol and how it led down through the ages to the massacre of thousands of Christians, Jews and Moslems. 

We should tell the truth as to the sorrow this symbol has contributed through its display. Of course it is not the Old Wooden or Rugged Cross but it remains a beloved symbol whose champion and inspiration would shudder and turn over in his grave which he escaped, if he could see the death and destruction it has caused. 

So let's not quibble over its right to speak out to all. If we understand its history we might come closer to the dream of Peace on Earth Good Will Towards Mankind.
Norman Mann, San Diego.